

Thank you for your interest in supporting the mission of Community Hospital! Your gift ensures that Community Hospital can continue to provide quality health care, right here, close to home. Rest assured that 100% of your contribution will benefit the fund you designate.

Community Hospital Health Foundation accepts gifts electronically through PayPal. Click the "Donate Now" button to make a secure donation to Community Hospital Health Foundation. A PayPal account is required, you can use an existing account or you can create a new one. Community Hospital Health Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, which means your gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent provided by law.

Ways to Give

There are a wide variety of methods by which you can give to Community Hospital. You should consult your tax advisor to determine which method is best for you. The following are options to consider:

Gifts of Cash

Cash and cash equivalents are the gift of choice for most donors, either as an annual gift or pledged over a period of time. For taxpayers who itemize, cash gifts offer deductions from gross income.

Gifts of Commodities

Donate grain and/or livestock to the Foundation when you sell your commodities to the local co-ops and livestock sale barns. Your pre-sale designation is tax-deductible.

Estate Planning

For many donors, an outright gift is not the best means of achieving philanthropic or estate-planning goals. Carefully planned gifts can offer significant estate tax and income benefits, while at the same time allowing donors to make larger gifts than would otherwise be possible. The following are suggested ways to plan deferred gifts:

  • Bequests: Bequests can take many forms and can be restricted or unrestricted. A donor can designate a specific amount from their estate, or they can specify a percentage or residual amount after all debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests have been paid.
  • Life Insurance Gifts: The most direct and simple way of making a gift of life insurance is to name Community Hospital Health Foundation owner and beneficiary of an existing policy. The donor receives an income tax deduction for the full cash surrender or paid up value of the policy. Any further premiums paid on such policy given to the Foundation are fully deductible.
  • Naming Community Hospital Health Foundation as beneficiary of an individual retirement account, or a retirement or pension fund.

Non-Cash Property

Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate and other assets may be contributed to Community Hospital Health Foundation, either as a bequest or, more commonly, by a lifetime transfer; by doing so you can realize significant tax benefits. The Foundation looks at possible gifts of property on a case-by-case basis. 

Matching Gifts

Many corporations and businesses now have programs to match employee gifts whether in whole or part. In some cases, gifts from spouses are matched. Explore this possibility as it may double your gift.

Memorials & Honorariums

Memorials - Memorials are a wonderful way to remember the special lives of family and friends who are no longer living amount us. 

Honorariums - You may honor family and friends on their birthdays, anniversaries, and special holidays. 


Memorials & Honorarium Recognition - A card will be sent to the family or the honored person to notify them of the donor's gift. The amount will not be disclosed. 

Annual Appeal

Respond to the annual appeal mailing sent from Community Hospital Health Foundation outlining areas of need or choose an area of interest.

Capital Campaigns

Community Hospital Health Foundation is often engaged in specific campaigns designed to assist Community Hospital to improve or expand services as adopted through strategic planning and approved by the Community Hospital Board of Directors. The Foundation raises funds through constituents to meet financial goals. Gifts to a capital campaign can be a one-time gift or can be pledged over a specific timeframe.

Giving Areas

Community Hospital Health Foundation raises funds for projects and programs through Community Hospital. Our Board of Directors guide us in decisions regarding fund distribution that will provide the greatest impact and be the most beneficial for the people in our region.

You may give a gift to one or more of the following focus areas:

  • Greatest Need – Gifts for the emerging needs of Community Hospital determined through strategic planning.
  • Scholarships – Healthcare scholarships assist in “growing our own” healthcare providers.
  • Hospice – Gifts support the work of the hospice team providing physical, emotional and spiritual care for patients and their families in our region.
  • Equipment - Provides funding for equipment needs that might not be met by hospital revenue.
  • Endowment Funds – Gifts of any size can be added to the general endowment fund. Earnings from the endowment fund give flexibility in meeting the ever-changing healthcare needs of the community, now and for future generations.
  • Named Endowments - Gifts given to establish a named endowment in memory or honor of a loved one. (A minimum of $10,000 is required to establish a named fund.)
  • Other - Contact us to assist you in directing your gift to other areas.


Community Hospital Health Foundation recognizes donors in the following ways:

The Caring Club is made up of individuals, businesses and foundations who donate generously on an annual basis. Contributions are updated annually for the previous calendar year.

Caring Club Levels: 
         Pathfinder $1,000
         Scout $500
         Pioneer $250

The Heritage Society was established to recognize, honor and express our gratitude to those whose commitment to Community Hospital has accumulated to a total giving of $10,000 or more. Heritage Society members are recognized on a donor wall at Community Hospital. The donor wall is updated annually to recognize new members and those who achieve a higher level through their giving.

Heritage Society Levels:
         Visionary $500,000
         Leader $250,000
         Pacesetter $100,000
         Builder $50,000
         Founder $25,000
         Patron $10,000