OB / Prenatal

Childbirth Education Classes

These free classes are intended for couples who are in the last trimester of pregnancy to help prepare for the process of childbirth. Taught by a Certified Childbirth Educator this course covers the process of labor, pain relief measures, breathing and relaxation techniques, and medical procedures that could occur while you are in labor. We now also offer breastfeeding education in our final class of this course. The four-session class will meet on Mondays, 6:30-9:30 p.m. and is offered six times a year. 

For more information or to register, call the hospital at 308-344-2650.

Big Kids and Babies

A special one-hour class that presents information to older brothers and sisters about new babies. They'll learn what it's like to have a brand new sister or brother, and how big kids can be a big help to mom and dad. 

For more information or to register, call Community Hospital at 308-344-2650.