Support Groups

Diabetic Support Group

The diabetic support group is open to all diabetics, their families, and those interested in learning more about diabetes.  Topics presented include nutrition, exercise, medications, and diabetes related health conditions.  The group meets several times a year for approximately one hour at Community Hospital.  Reservation are not required, and there is no charge to attend.  For more information call Terrie Unger, RN at 308-344-8539, or Pat Rice, RD at 308-344-8341.

Grief Support Group

The grief support group is tailored for adults who have recently lost a loved one. Each group meets for eight sessions and is limited to ten to twelve members. It is considered a closed support group, meaning attendees must pre-register and new members are not added once the sessions begin. Call Becky Mai, Community Hospital Social Services Director at 308-344-8221 for more information and for the next class dates. There is no charge for the class and materials, which are supplied through Community Hospital Health Foundation funding.

Parkinson's Disease Support Group

Call Speech Therapy at 308-344-8519 for information.